Walmart Wants To Compete Amazon Go Via Fastlane

Walmart Canada has surfaced a brand new checkout system called “fast lane” that allows customers to prevent cashiers and registers.

“Skip the checkout and skip on home,” this is what Walmart has selected for their application, MyWalmart, motto.

With the My Walmart program, customers scan their products as they store. Once they’ve completed shopping, checking out in the ‘Fast Lane’ lets them scan the barcode on their purchase, then payment will be completed via the credit card saved inside the program.

“With our new Urban Supercentre Concept, we’re continuing to position ourselves as a leader in-store design and retail innovation,” said Lee Tappenden, president and CEO of Walmart Canada. “We’re introducing new partners, testing new and innovative technologies, integrating eCommerce with bricks-and-mortar, and updating our assortment to improve the customer shopping experience and to appeal more to young families in urban markets.”

The fast lane is similar to Scan & Go, a currently stopped Walmart US app that let customers scan and pay for items on their cellular phones. With Scan & Go, however, Walmart customers didn’t have a designated checkout place like the fast lane.

Walmart killed Scan & Go annually and replaced it with Check Out With Me, which enables roaming Walmart workers to process clients’ payments using handheld devices.

Associates have received additional training to help customers use the Fast Lane smoothly.

While the Toronto-Stockyards Walmart is the first to debut the retailers’Fast Lane’ checkout technology, another Supercentre Concept is set to start at Thornhill in 2020.

Walmart isn’t the only firm experimenting with cashierless checkout.

Amazon’s brick-and-mortar Amazon Go stores make it possible for customers to pick up and pay for things without scanning any product barcodes. Kroger has launched its version of Scan & Go, called Scan, Bag, Go.
